
Begin your journey to off-grid.

Place a refundable deposit today.

A few select homes will trailblaze a new era of off-grid power systems.
Invitation Only
Front-of-the-line status for off-grid power system
In-person home visit
Design of integrated solar, storage, smart home, generator
Dynamic analysis and visualization of your prospective off-grid system's energy performance
Fully refundable deposit until you approve design
Homes with reservations will be queued for installations in 2024.
reserve now
Initial design of integrated off-grid system: solar, storage, smart home, generator
Fully refundable deposit until you approve design
Have questions? Shoot us an email, call, or text!
346-444-1146 (call or text)

Note: Because of various technical factors, not all homes will be eligible for off-grid systems. It'll only happen about one out of ten times, but as soon as we determine that an off-grid system won't work, we'll immediately refund the deposit.

Old way: solar + storage for some of your power, some of the time.

Our way: all your power, all the time.

TX headlines

The Texas grid is in crisis.

The winter of 2021 was a disaster. But other than finger-pointing and white papers, nobody seems to be doing anything to make sure it doesn't happen again. And again. And again.

Reserve your place today
goodbye, utility

No more poles, no more wires, no more utility company BS.

With Starfish, you’ll never have to deal with your utility again. Our one-stop shop — for integrated solar, battery storage, smart home, and generator — makes off-grid possible with next-gen system design.

Learn how we do it
Home at night